4 Main Causes of Sewer Damage

There’s no delicate way to talk about sewage. Sewage problems are just… gross. Ever smelled backed-up sewer pipes? Ugh. Worse yet: Ever had sewer water actually back up into your shower or spill out onto the floor? Barf. Without a proper waste disposal system, you can experience a whole host of issues: spreading diseases, mold […]
How to Diagnose Well Pump Problems

It’s 6:08 am, and you’ve hit “snooze” one too many times. With a deep sigh, you stumble to the bathroom, psyching yourself up for the long day ahead. Still half-asleep, you spin the shower handle. Nothing happens. Or perhaps something happens, but it’s not anything remotely resembling a shower. “What the…” you mutter. You turn the handle back and […]
4 Signs Your Sewer Pipes Need Inspection

Out of sight, out of mind. At Pristine Plumbing, we know that sewer pipes are at risk of being ignored or neglected until something goes wrong. Regular sewer pipe inspection is an important step in preventing backups and clogs and can extend the life of your pipelines. If you notice any of the following […]
Why the Thaw Might Not End Your Plumbing Problems

The days are getting longer, and the temperatures are slowly warming—and although winter isn’t officially over for a few weeks, we’re already looking forward to more sunshine and less “blah.” We’re guessing you feel the same way—especially if you’re one of the unlucky Indianapolis plumbing customers who got to experience the “joy” of frozen pipes this winter! […]
How to Hire a Plumber During the Coronavirus Crisis

Here’s the thing about your plumbing: It doesn’t care, at all, about what’s happening in the world. So the reality that you’re dealing with a global health crisis? It simply doesn’t care. But at Pristine Plumbing, we do. We get that many of you are trying to navigate working from home while also trying to figure […]
What the Crap is a Bidet?

We’ll try not to get too personal… We’ve all been there. You’re doing your business, and you realize there’s no toilet paper. You start to panic, frantically searching your bathroom cabinets hoping to find even half a roll. With a national TP shortage, this is a reality we’ll likely be dealing with for […]
Flooded Basement? Steps Before Calling a Plumber

Flooded Basement? Do these eight things before calling a plumber Few things are worse than walking into your basement and finding standing water. Dealing with a flooded basement is time-consuming, exhausting, and—you won’t be surprised to hear this—expensive. Fortunately, you can save yourself some big bucks by following this step-by-step guide before you call […]
Tankless Water Heater Not Working? Here’s What to Check

Tankless water heaters are energy-efficient, have low maintenance costs, and are reasonably durable. But just like any appliance, they’re not completely immune to issues. If your tankless water heater isn’t performing up to par here’s what you should check. Scenario 1: There’s no hot water! This is the most common problem you can expect with […]
Why Does My Garbage Disposal Keep Backing Up?

Let’s be honest: A clogged garbage disposal is just ewwww. First, there’s the mystery smell. Then there’s the inconvenience of a slow-draining sink, complete with bits and pieces of yesterday’s breakfast floating around in there. Gross. Garbage disposals back up for plenty of reasons—including these top three. Disposal Clogging Culprit #1: Incorrect Use File this […]
How To Turn Off Your Water Heater

It might not seem like something as basic as turning off a water heater would be difficult. Many homeowners find themselves scratching their heads when trying to figure out what valves to turn! And because it varies based on whether your system is gas or electric, it can take a few extra steps to make […]